Tuesday, September 4, 2012

XenoAmp Is A Completely Gesture Controlled Music Player For Android


Why try another music player when you've seen them all, and you use a better one anyway? Well - you haven't seen a music player like this. And believe me - mine's much bigger than yours!
Forget screenshots, watch it move!

Audio features:
- Gapless playback on Jelly Bean!
- Standard audio controls: bass boost, equalizer, virtualizer, etc.
- Equalizer can be calibrated via automatic room correction (WIP)
- Different sound profiles for dock/car/headphones

Media management features:
- Browse your collection faster than ever - see it on a 2D pinch-to-zoom-able matrix with customizable axii
- Were you missing AlbumArtist tag? Well - not anymore
- Picking from zoomable matrix too fancy? Choose your tracks the way geeks do it: with filesystem browser
- Browse your tracks by rating, date of listening, date of adding to library, or playcount, with neat flow-style interface
- Synchronize your music tags to MusicBrainz either automatically or by scanning barcode from your original

- Automatic album art downloading
- Don't like the album art XenoAmp's fuzzy logic picked? No prob - you can always choose a better one manualy
- Index and play your cifs media to create a real audio station for your home (WIP)
- Browse and create playlists from files on your SMB network (WIP)
- Edit tags for a bunch of tracks or mass edit by template (WIP)
- Outside of XenoAmp: click a file in ES Explorer, Total Commander, Solid Browser or Whatever File

Browser and voila: you've created a playlist from current directory contents!
- "native" XenoAmp Playlists are kept in m3u8 with absolute paths
- manage .nomedia files inside xenoamp browser

- You can't get more minimalist. Unless you turn off your display.
- No standard Android widgets, everything you do is just touch or sweep. Draw a circle for volume up/down.
- Managing playlists is no more a pain, you can EASILY (and I mean in a snap) create, delete and rename playlists, switch between them, append them with tracks based on any tag.
- Click playlist entry to play, drag to move up/down, sweep to delete.
Bits and pieces:
- Scrobbling to last.fm and libre.fm (via wonderful "A simple last.fm scrobbler" - get it on the Market)
- Browse into M3U* and PLS, and recursively into playlists inside them
- M3U* and PLS handle local, HTTP and SMB entries
- Browse and search internet radio directory (you know which one...)
- Player reacts to audio jack, incoming calls, respects Android audio focus and media button interfaces.
- Displays lyrics via LyricsWiki.
- Minimalistic home screen widgets, currently 1x1, 4x1 and 4x2
- Respects .nomedia
- Most features working on Gingerbread (API 10), could probably be made to work on Froyo (they used to, but since all my friends migrated to GB I can't say if it is still working)
- Low end machines supported, working fluently on HTC Touch Pro2 (and that's a 528 Mhz CPU!). OK, not enough memory to display covers, but still usable.
- AVRCP supported
- Sleep timer.
- Probably a lot more bits and pieces I forgot...

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