Discover your next favorite song with Rdio, a service for streaming unlimited music—on-demand and ad-free—on your Android device. With over 18 million songs available and more added every week, you can immediately listen to popular hits, new releases and old favorites. When you’re in the mood to hear something new, follow friends, artists and tastemakers and let their favorites find their way to your ears. Build a playlist—solo or in collaboration with friends—then sync everything to your device for offline listening.
It’s human powered music discovery. An entire universe of music available for about what you’d pay for a single album.
New features in this update:
- Unified Player. Sync your Queue and what you’re currently listening to across the web and mobile versions of Rdio. Play a song on your laptop, pause it, and pick up where you left off on your phone or tablet.
- New Design. A clean, white interface and sliding side navigation that’s accessible throughout the app.
- Remote Control. Control the web version of Rdio from a mobile device, and vice versa.
Try it free today, or upgrade to a monthly subscription for just $9.99.
Praise from Rdio’s fans:
“Rdio is the best music discovery tool I've ever used, it's intuitive and satisfying. I'm hooked.” – Tom Dumont, No Doubt
“Four months later, Rdio is just as awesome as the day I started using it. Love that I never have to bother downloading/organizing tunes.” – @hcokim
“Clean, fast and album focused. Rdio is the best way to find my new favorite band and see what records my friends are listening to.” – Jason Fisher, Epitaph & Anti Records
Praise from the press:
“A more human approach” – Edward C. Baig, USA Today
“A seemingly endless amount of music to discover.” – Belinda Thomas, Examiner
“Rdio is putting people front-and-center.” – Heather Kelly, VentureBeat